AUSTIN, TX (University of St Augustine (USA) for Health Sciences, Austin, TX, Friday, July 20, 2018, 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM at a Continuing Education Event (free two hour CEUs for TOTA & TSHA.)

AUSTIN, TX (University of St Augustine (USA) for Health Sciences, Austin, TX, Friday, July 20, 2018, 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM at a Continuing Education Event (free two hour CEUs for TOTA & TSHA.)

This was the end of the trip…4 weeks, 6,000 miles, 7 states (5 states were “new” to my “awareness” campaign) and no problems along the way!

I presented “Aphasia Recovery & Neuroplasticity” to a full classroom of PT, OT students, staff, community clinicians and the new SLP faculty and hosts, Kathy Wheat, Ph.D. (Program Director, MS-SLP) and Meghan Savage, Ph.D. (Associate professor, MS-SLP program.)

The event was filmed to be used by the incoming SLP students in individual, ~20 minutes segments; the patient experience of surviving a stroke, the rehabilitation process for aphasia, the concept of neuroplasticity as it relates to aphasia recovery, enriched environment and an exercise in plasticity using the non-dominant hand. It was a wonderful day…I hope to get back there again someday!