BOSTON, MA (Saturday, 10/17/2015).

BOSTON, MA (Saturday, 10/17/2015). I spoke for the third time in three years at the BU Aphasia Resource Center, Sargent College, Boston University on Commonwealth St. with Jerry Kaplan who founded the program 25 years ago! There were about 60 people in the audience, many of whom I had known before in our stroke group. I spoke for over an hour and took pictures of the group including a fellow stroke survivor who was a BU Law School classmate and best friends for 50 years with Duane “Buzz” Fitzgerald, the President at Bath Iron Works (BIW) while I was there in the last 80’s and early 90’s. Small world!

6-20-2015, Aphasia, The Movie with Carl-4

6-20-2015, Aphasia, The Movie with Carl-1

6-20-2015, Aphasia, The Movie with Carl-3