MEMPHIS, TN (Aphasia Boot Camp, Memphis, University of Memphis Speech and Hearing Center, Memphis, TN, 11:20 AM to 12:00 PM CDT, Tuesday, June 25, 2019, Aphasia Awareness Month presentation by Tom Broussard, “Aphasia, Regaining your language from a stroke with enriched therapy” by SKYPE (Blue Jean).
It was a great Aphasia Awareness Day at the Aphasia Boot Camp, Memphis with about 50 people in attendance. It is also the inaugural Aphasia Boot Camp, Memphis!
We had plenty of time with many questions about; walking versus swimming, stroke survivors versus stroke educators, enriched therapy, the problem with losing old and gaining new friends after stroke and aphasia, plasticity, the relationships with family caregivers, learning about aphasia and living “in the learning room” helping other people still in need on becoming a learning stroke educator.
I wrote an article ( ) and a Stroke Educator Insights video ( about Aphasia Boot Camps specifically for the Memphis Aphasia Boot Camp presentation today. I was starting to write a similar article with the same slant about Aphasia Boot Camps…intensity, short duration, diverse, novel activities, etc. which are useful but many other people have written those topics before.
This (current) article was written from the perspective of a stroke survivor with a look at the future that comes after the intensive boot camp phase are finished. Aphasia Boot Camp is a means to an end, with no end in sight to enriched therapy & lifelong recovery, successful living by any other name.