WEST ORANGE, NJ (SKYPE Interview with the Adler Aphasia Center Stroke Group Conversation Class and host, Patricia Ochoa-Werschulz, 12:40 PM to 1:30 PM, Tuesday, July 30, 2019).
I had a great hour with the 10 people at the group with questions including: what kind of family support for your stroke, when was your stroke, what was your job (Heller associate dean), where did you have your stroke, how did you start Stroke Educator, Inc., just-in-time publishers, printing and wrote three books, how was I inspired to write when you couldn’t write before (saved the evidence and wrote the diary), talk about your editors (my wife, line and design editors), subjective thoughts about a successful career (and selling books) as an author and publisher, what can PWAs do to move forward with their own careers (I will do an article about this!)? It was a lot of fun and will do it again in two weeks with a different group.