DUXBURY, MA (Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Plymouth Stroke Group, SKYPE, 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM, Friday, May 17, 2019). The formal name for the group is called “America’s Hometown Stroke Club, Plymouth, MA!”
The group was wonderful and had many questions including: What is the difference between convention, intensive and enriched therapy? What are the five steps to aphasia recovery? What were you before your stroke? How much pressure should I push on myself? Feedback was a big issue as was extreme tiredness. How do I continue to heal after all the therapy is over? That was the most important idea from the entire group; what can we get better in the absence of formal therapy. They are interested in some form of group therapy, beyond the group club approach.
Many of the questions were quite thought provoking and I will use several of them in my various weekly “three minute drills” video called “Stroke Educator Insights.” I will use the first one on Tuesday morning, May 21, 2019. Look for it tomorrow; Questions from the America’s Hometown Stroke Club, Plymouth, MA!